Godless Family of Bishop: assaults, fraud, drugs


The bishop’s children don’t have money for food, but enough for drugs and booze.

Pyotr Bondaruk

Pyotr Bondaruk, one of Pentecostal bishop Adam Bondaruk’s son, has been recently released after 3,5 years in prison for real estate fraud. He did not serve almost 2 years from his sentence as his father-pastor and brother-realtor bailed him out for $100K.

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Now, when the sex offender is free, we decided to scrutinize criminal cases of bishop’s other sons, which you also can find in the archives of Northern California courts.

So, let’s begin. Do you know how many children “famous” bishop Adam Bondaruk has? Why most of them don’t serve with their father in the church? Do you know that half of his sons went down for various criminal cases both in local and federal courts?

We have already covered Pyotr Bondruk’s, of one of Pentecostal bishop’s son, shady past. Let’s refresh it: 47-year old man has an extremely rich criminal background. He served his sentences in American penitentiary institutions more than once. And it looks like he was also prosecuted in Estonian SSR. For his crimes in he was even threatened with deportation from the United States, the only reason Pyotr was able to stay in America is that his home country, Estonian SSR, doesn’t exist on a world map any more, he simply had nowhere to be deported.

Pyotr Bondaruk

In 1998 Pyotr Bondaruk was on trial in Sonoma County Superior Court for attempt to rape a girl (for more details see the article “Son of a Bishop: The Story of a Sex Crime”). For this deed Pyotr was registered in the federal database of sex offenders, which means he does not have the right to live near schools, kindergartens and other institutions for minors. He also has a number of lifelong restrictions and should be regularly registered by a law enforcement officer, attached to him. FBI agents described Pyotr Bondaruk as an alcoholic, drug addicted and a cheap parasite.

We’ll skip such details as several detentions in California for driving under influence. Besides, there are other Pyotr’s Bondaruk crimes, which were not previously available for public and were not covered by local media.

Food thefts in Sacramento Russian store

For example, a case in Sacramento Superior Court in 2002, in which Pyotr Bondaruk was accused of stealing products from the Russian Arbat European Market in North Highlands.

The store owner, Evgeny Kovalenko, started noticing some loss of products. Suspecting something wrong, Kovalenko installed video cameras in the shop. It turned out that the goods were stolen by a small band of thieves, in which Pyotr was a driver, that time he was 32.

The plan was worked out to the smallest details: a dissolute bishop’s son drove up his accomplices to the door of the store, where they filled in shop baskets with food. Then one of the accomplices distracted shop assistant’s attention by request to cut sausage or ham while the other one, Konstantin by name, left the shop with full basket.

adam bondaruk family
Bishop’s Family/Facebook

Having caught the criminals with the goods, Evgeny Kovalenko chased after them, but the bishop’s son and his accomplice whipped off. Pavel, who distracted a shop assistant, strongly denied his connection with the thieves; and when the store owner tried to detain him, he managed to escape and lurked into the next door shop, its door was locked in front of Kovalenko’s nose.

According to Kovalenko, a criminal trio came to his store 30-50 times, each time they stole the goods for the cost, equal to $50-100. Detective T. Buchard, who took this case, got suspects’ phone numbers and visited one of them. During the investigation Pyotr Bondaruk denied his participation in theft scheme, but he confessed under the pressure of incontrovertible evidence.

Eventually, Pyotr Bondaruk was arrested, imprisoned on bail of $10,000 and then convicted on 2 counts: criminal conspiracy and theft. As a result, he got two months in prison and, as an alternative to imprisonment, the judge recommended a sentence of public works. By the way, by this crime Pyotr Bondaruk violated conditions of probation period after the trial in Sonoma County on sexual crime.

We also discovered a criminal case in Washington state court, the court found Pyotr Bondaruk guilty in theft in 1993.

Soviet past of Pyotr Bondaruk

Pyotr Bondaruk case in Estonia

Moreover, in the National Archive of Estonia we found a document, telling about shady past of Pyotr Bondaruk. “Slavic Sacramento” got family file of the Bondaruk’s from the archive of Ministry of the Interior of Estonian SSR, which includes travel application on fictitious departure to Israel for permanent residence. This application has a resolution of the OVIR (Migration service in USSR), which states that “except Pyotr Bondaruk 1971 year of birth, the convicts are not listed”. Does this mean that Pyotr was prosecuted in USSR?

Correct me if my conclusion from this resolution stamp is wrong. If it is true, that means that father, of course, hides this fact from his parishioners (and American government?) and peers as such information can significantly harm his religious career.

Slavic missionaries’ children beat American

Another Bishop’s son, Timothy Adamovich Bondaruk 1983 year birth, was involved in case of beating up someone Peter Scott Michael in Auburn in February 2004. Timothy was indicted for being under of influence of alcohol and drugs. As a result Adam Bondaruk’s son got 6 months in prison, each of his 2 accomplices got 1 year in prison.

After arrest and blood test, toluene (methylbenzene) was found in Timothys’ blood. This chemical is an ingredient of different solvents for paintings, considered as extremely toxic. It is often used as an intoxicant by adolescents who do not have money for expensive drugs.

In 2003-2004 Timothy went down for several cases of drunk driving. The Sacramento County Prosecutor accused the pastor’s son of violating a number of counts of California Vehicle Code: drunk driving, no insurance, driving without license, which he lost in previous DUI cases. According to the trial documents, Timothy, being under infuence, with no insurance, caused an accident and as a result damaged someone’s property, then he tried to escape from the scene. Timothy Bondaruk pleaded guilty and was punished: he spent dozen days in prison, executed public works and spent 3 years on “informal probation period”.

Mark Bondaruk. Case of Drunk Driving

Another bishop’s son, Mark Adamovich Bondaruk, also went down for drunk driving in Rancho Cordova, right across the street from his father’s house. The incident took place in the early morning of December 1st, 2010 on Bradshaw Street, not far from the Bethany Slavic Missionary Church, where Mark’s father, bishop Adam Bondaruk, serves as a senior pastor. A police officer stopped fishtailing along the street bishop son’s Mercedes. In court the CHP officer said that Mark Bondaruk swore dirty and smelled like alcohol. Another police officer, who arrived at the scene shortly, admitted under oath that the “driver strongly smelled like alcohol, he was embarrassed and swore dirty”.

The court documents on this case state that before the incident, Mark Bondaruk had been stopped twice for drunk driving: the first time in 2002, the second in 2004.

According to the police, the driver did not pass the test for intoxication: he “staggered a lot, lost his balance, stepped over the line”. Mark explained to representatives of the law enforcement that he did not drink alcohol, the night before he had a bad sleep and took one pill of an antidepressant; and he couldn’t walk straight along the line due to back problems.

After the arrested the young man was brought to Rancho Cordova Police Department, the duty officer confirmed that Mark Bondaruk was under the influence of antidepressants and alcohol. The result of the breathalyzer test revealed that the level of alcohol in his blood was 0.027% (which is under the limit of 0.08%, considered for punishment in California). A few hours later Mark was placed in a prison of Sacramento County, where he had his blood sample taken again. The test result showed a lack of alcohol, but confirmed the presence of diazepam and hydrocodone.

During the court debate Mark Bondaruk’s defense assured that pastor’s son of “Russian church” had a frank conversation with his father, made conclusions from his previous mistakes and took the path of correction, “stopped partying and became a missionary”.

In February 2011, Mark Bondaruk was found guilty of drunk driving, but he appealed, trying to refute police experts’ conclusions. In his appeal he also pointed out at a judicial delay due to professional training of the police officer, who was one of the witnesses in his case.

One remarkable thing: in his appeal, Mark claimed that on account of accusations his girlfriend had left him and he had lost his job as a truck driver, which gave him $100 000 annually; and the trial case damaged the reputation of his family as his father is a famous pastor. The appeal did not lead to any results, and the court imposed on Bondaruk correctional labor and 5 years of probation period.

Theft in Home Depot store

And finally, we present to the public a fresh case about theft in Home Depot store in Carmichael, opened against Mark Bondaruk in 2016. This case is available in the archive of Sacramento Superior Court. According to court documents, Mark stole the goods for the amount of up to $220. Mark didn’t appear for the hearings, as a result the arrest warrant for his name was issued. Eventually, the judge decided to imprison him for 25 days and to prohibit him to appear near Home Depot store within a radius of 100 yards. As a result of this case Mark Bondaruk spent 25 days in prison and got 3-year probation period.

We are not going to waste our readers’ time by describing Mark Bondaruk’s arrest for being drunk in a public place and undergoing of special rehabilitation programs in 2002, which are described in local court documents. Instead of this we would like to mention that Mark was involved into case of real estate fraud in 2015, which lead his elder brother Pyotr to federal prison incarceration for about 6 years. According to the case file, Mark received immunity from a judge and, thus, escaped the prosecution.

Bondaruk Andrey Adamovich

Bondaruk Andrey Adamovich, one more bishop’s son, was arrested in 2006 by Rocklin police and prosecuted under article 647 of the California Penal Code: intoxication in a public place. The document, kept in the archive of Placer county court, indicates that Andrey pleaded guilty in that case.

For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of the church of God?”

Looking through the criminal cases against the bishop’s family members, you have nothing but be astonished to the following: are the children of this famous Christian pastor really so poor and have no means for living so they have to steal food and tools in local stores? Or may be they exchange stolen goods for drugs, as some other children of christian parents do?

Overall, what merits did allow such “believers” as the Bondaruks to enter the United States? It turns out that, having escaped from the Soviet Union (under cover of a fake Israeli visa) and calling themselves religious refugees, pursued by the soviet government (Adam Bondaruk permanently accentuate these in American courts, in which his sons and some parishioners went down on various cases as you already know), here in America they are shamelessly engaged into criminal affairs. Beautiful “salt of the earth and light of the world”! Or is it such a special way of “evangelization” of America?

And finally, I will put down for all the members of the Bethany Slavic Missionary Church and all the believers both in the USA and in the CIS an quote from the Holy Bible about pastor’s family, who wants to be a bishop:

“This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless… one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?)?”(Timothy 3:2-7).

What is your opinion – can a person, whose children have been criminals since their youth, be not only a community leader, but a pastor, even a bishop of many churches? Does such person have moral right to build connections with local American and international politicians, and even represent Slavic community during the National Prayer Breakfast with the U.S. President? What lesson can he give to parishioners’ children if he was not able to properly bring up his own?

You may say – “the father is not responsible for his sons”, children grew up, Adam Bondaruk has many offspring, can he watch all of them?” But wait! In March 2019 father Adam Bondaruk bailed out his son Pyotr for $100,000, sending to Sacramento Court an official letter with request to pardon a professional criminal! In other words, calling himself a man of God, which means possession of solid, infallible moral ideals, Bondaruk Sr. literally uses members of Bethany Slavic Missionary Church by covering his prodigal son in secular courts…

Ruslan Gurzhiy, SlavicSac.com