Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bondaruk - search results

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Adam Bondaruk

Suicide of Adam Bondaruk: “The bishop has no clothes!”

Slavic Sacramento obtained additional information about the death of Pentecostal Bishop Adam Bondaruk, founder of the Union of Evangelical Christians of America and the...
Adam Bondaruk 911 call

Audio Recording of 911 Call about Adam Bondaruk’s suicide

Full audio recording of 911 call about the suicide of Adam Bondaruk, Bishop and Senior Pastor of Bethany Slavic Missionary Church in Sacramento, Ca
Bethany Slavic Missionary Church

The Bethany Church addresses the news about Bishop Bondaruk’s suicide 

Please sign up for a paid subscription to the Slavic Sacramento YouTube channel to access exclusive content. The Bethany Slavic Missionary Church addresses the news...
Adam Bondaruk

Bishop Adam Bondaruk committed suicide

Famous Pentecostal Bishop Adam Bondaruk, former senior pastor of the Bethany Slavic Missionary Church in Sacramento, California, died an awful death - he committed...
Adam Bondaruk

Pentecostal Bishop Adam Bondaruk dies in Sacramento

In the capital of California, at the age of 80, the infamous Pentecostal Bishop Adam Semyonovich Bondaruk died, he was the head of the...

Bishop Bondaruk’s son goes to prison again

Pyotr Bondaruk lost his appeal and will return to prison for the remaining term. “Bondaruk was willing to lie, cheat, and conceal his fraud. He...
Адам Бондарук

Bishop Adam Bondaruk is sued in the U.S District court

Читать статью по-русский According to the information acquired by Slavic Sacramento, Pentecostal bishop Adam Bondaruk is being sued in the federal court of California. The...

Bishop’s son Pyotr Bondaruk sentenced to 6 years

Read this article in Russian According to Slavic Sacramento correspondent reporting from the courtroom US District Court, after a long jury trial 44-year-old Pyotr Bondaruk...
Mykhailo Panochko with Florin Ciuriuc

Педофілія, корупція та моральний розкладання в українській протестантській церкві

Все частіше останнім часом представники української церкви потрапляють в різні, зокрема міжнародні скандали. РУССКИЙ (Увага! Це відео доступно нашим підписникам на YouTube-каналі «Слав’янське Сакраменто». Оформлюйте платну...
Victor Stepus

Ukrainian Musician Gets Deported to His Home Country

US Federal Court Orders Deportation of Victor Stepus, Ukrainian Musician from Chicopee, MA to His Home Country. РУССКИЙ | УКРАЇНСЬКОЮ In November 2019, Protestant musician...