Children of the famous Ukrainian evangelist kidnap and beat American


Where did the famous Pentecostal evangelist disappear?

Rostislav Radchuk, a Ukrainian immigrant, Pentecostal bishop, pastor, missioner and evangelical preacher, has been known for his so-called evangelization for all his life – first in the Soviet Union, then in the CIS countries, in America and on the African continent. Today Radchuk actively speaks at various church conferences, mainly in Ukraine; his programs are broadcast on Christian television channels.

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In 2018, speaking at the conference, arranged by the Ukranian Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith in Maline, Radchuk claimed that his children wanted to sell their business in the US in order to engage in evangelism movement.

Meanwhile, Slavic Sacramento have received documents from the Georgia state court’s archives that indicate a nasty situation in which Pentecostal bishop and evangelist Rostislav Radchuk’s family was found in 2008.

According to the documents from the Cherokee Superior court, 26-year-old Vladimir Rostislavovich Radchuk and 23-year-old Yuriy Radchuk went through the case of beating the person Chris Nankali. Both defendants were charged under several counts – aggravated assault, kidnapping and false imprisonment.

Slavik Radchuk

Interesting fact: the arrest warrant indicates that during the incident, Vladimir and Yuriy also abducted Galina Radchuk, who, apparently, was their relative. The abduction of a woman happened in just couple miles distance from the pastor-evangelist’s house. As a result of this incident, the Cherokee County Magistrate’s Court issued a restriction order, prohibiting Vladimir Radchuk to approach Galina Radchuk.

The case files state that after the arrest Vladimir was released on bail of $10,000. During the investigation he testified that he “hit another person with an aluminum bat” several times. It is also noted, that a disc with a telephone conversation of one of the criminals with his victim was passed over to the court as evidence.

In June 2009, state judge Anthony Baker sentenced the Radchuks brothers to perform community service for nonprofit organizations Slavic Care and/or Slavic Christian Center Harverst. The convicts had to work 120 hours for the benefit of society. Interestingly, in the documents of the Secretary of State of Georgia, Vitaliy Radchuk is indicated as the chairman of Slavic Care, and Yuriy Radchuk is indicated as the registered agent. Apparently, those persons are close relatives of the criminals.

However, in 2012, Slavic Care was dissolved and ceased to exist.

As for Slavic Christian Center Harverst, it’s known to be the church of pastor Vasiliy Radchuk. The office of this church is located in the city of Kenton (Georgia), and its secretary is Vitaly Radchuk, apparently a relative of Vasiliy. According to the website of this religious organization, it collaborates with well-known network of Pentecostal churches Assemblies of God and “is engaged in missionary work around the world.”

It’s worth noting that the suspects refused to plead guilty in the beginning of the trial, but soon they made a deal with the court as initially they were facing up to 20 years imprisonment and up to $100,000 of penalty; the minimum imprisonment term was 1 year. As a result, Yuriy and Vladimir got 5 years on probation each under the article “offense of kidnapping and aggravated stalking,” and also paid a $1,000-fine.

In addition, the court ordered to complete a Family violence intervention program (emotional or mental disorder) and forbade to contact with victims, to posses and to consume alcohol, and to have firearms. Also, during the probation, they should have reported regularly to the Probation officer.

The court documents indicate that the Radchuks acknowledged that their conviction may have affected their immigration status, employment, right to vote and many other factors.

What interesting, in the list of witnesses appears their dad – Evangelist Rostislav Radchuk, born in 1958, and also Vasily Radchuk, born in 1966. Moreover, Rostislav Radchuk was listed as a “suspect” in the police report, and then, in court documents, transferred to the category of “witnesses”.

Slavic Sacramento also got to know that in 2013 Judge Jackson Harris rejected the motion from the defendants for early termination of probation (5-year term to be fully served in 2014). Attorney of the pastor’s children highlighted in the motion that “both defendants lived exemplary lives prior to and subsequent to the incident”. The motion also stated that “the incident arose out of an ill-conceived sense of honor and a desire to protect their sister whom they believed to be in danger”.

Ruslan Gurzhiy,