Russian police officer in California: “American Dream is possible for everyone”


“Slavic Sacramento” went on a ride-along with the police patrol of the city of San Mateo whose streets are guarded by a native of Kazakhstan, Mikhail Venikov. We saw how California police are fighting against street drug dealers, illegal weapons, domestic violence and fraud.

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Officer Venikov served in the US Army and had military missions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Two of Mikhail’s relatives also serve in the California police.

Mikhail Venikov is considered a drug search professional in the San Francisco Bay Area. He also has to deal with cases of domestic violence, car theft and break-ins, possession of an unregistered weapon, etc.

“Many people don’t understand or don’t appreciate how good we have it here in America… If a person in America does his/her best, it doesn’t matter who you are. If you are an honest person and strive to do what you are passionate about, you have an opportunity in America to do it… I’ve never experienced a situation when something was forbidden for me because I am Russian,” says officer Venikov.