The value of a human life in U.S. hospitals


Yuriy Seretskiy, a former candidate for Roseville mayor and the California’s 6th Congressional district, told Slavic Sacramento about how his mother received a head injury in a North California hospital. Seretskiy believes that his 82-year-old mother became disabled due to staff’s fault at Sutter Memorial Hospital.

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In response to Slavic Sacramento’s request about the incident, an authorized representative of the Sutter Memorial hospital network in Roseville said: “Providing high-quality care to our patients is our first priority. Out of respect for patient privacy, and in compliance with state and federal laws, we aren’t able to share details. In general, if a patient or family member shares a concern with us, we take those concerns very seriously and work to review and resolve any issues.”

Unable to get an answer from the hospital administration, as well as from local congressmen, Seretskiy published a petition on the White House website, which demands the adoption of a law, regulating the installation of surveillance cameras in the wards of American hospitals.

This is not the first time when Russian-speaking residents of Sacramento districts complain about California hospitals: earlier an immigrant from Moldova told Slavic Sacramento about her child’s loss during childbirth. Kristina Kalmykova-Oselskaya also testified about a similar situation during childbirth. Her petition for an investigation of medical negligence on the White House website gained over 10,000 signatures.