Sacramento wants more control over homeschools


On Monday outside Sacramento’s Capitol building a protest took place against a bill passed by the Assembly of California that will increase supervision over the conditions of home schools. Couple hundred people took part in the protest, most of them parents, teachers, and schoolchildren. Travis Allen, an Assembly member  and Republican gubernatorial candidate, spoke in support of the gathered protestors.

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According to a correspondent of Slavic Sacramento, the activists gathered outside the Capitol are trying to prevent the adoption of a bill pertaining to the activities of small home schools.

Bill AB 2756, which is being prepared by the State Assembly, would tighten control over fire safety provisions in private home schools as well as classify similar institutions. In particular, the bill will require any home school with more than six students to have a fire extinguisher and to pass annual fire safety inspections.

Since these schools are typically in private homes, current legislation does not require regular inspections or other fire safety measures.

The protestors fear that with the help of such tactics, the Democratic majority is trying to take control of schools that are an alternative to state-run educational institutions.

Rally participants also expressed anti-vaccination and some conservative ideas.

In the words of State Assembly member Travis Allen, Democratic politicians have intervened enough in the education of Californian children, and it’s time to change the current state of affairs.